Again couple of world known players (one present and one former) have caused troubles at various parts in Europe.
First is the present footballer called Nicklas Bendtner. The public footage before the National bank in Copenhagen on 09 September showed that 30-year-old assaulted a taxi driver, hitting him in the face, and walked off without paying. The unfortunate man (with a broken jaw) threw some objects back at him (bottle or a can according to his words) and his girlfriend, but missed. Last Friday the Copenhagen court accused the Denmark international to 50 days in prison, but final saying has the higher court who can confirm or reject the sentence.
This topic is related to organized crime. Last Wednesday, the former Italian international Vincenzo Iaquinta is convicted to two years in jail due to illegal weapon possession. The prosecutor wanted 6 years prison sentence, but is freed of charges for helping the mafia. At this case 148 persons have been convicted, and among them is his father Giuseppe, who have to be 19 years in cell for collaborating with the mafia group 'Ndrangheta.
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