At 15 March this story was revealed, while six nights ago (03 April) the club assembly has only confirmed it as true.
Beginning from 01 July (or formally 2022-23 calendar year), Spotify have reached an agreement to become sponsor at Barcelona for the next four seasons. In here it will include the male and female first team kits, however the logo of the new partner on the training shirts (in both categories) is going to appear in the following three seasons. Many 'football experts' are saying differently concerning this deal: that the club would receive from 70 and up to 105 million euros per year, but the real figure has remained a secret and was never announced to the public.
The Swedish music streaming company also have paid to rename their famous arena, thus from this summer it is going to be known as Spotify Camp nou, which would be first changing of the name since 1957.
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