22 October 2022

Working from home

Less than one month away starts the most watchable event on earth and from now the host is adjusting working hours for the public sector, as millions of fans are expecting to storm through their country.
Without a doubt in November / December period the most wanting destination on the globe will be Qatar, thus from the beginning of October local residents are adjusting their working hours only to avoid big (foreign) crowds that would be singing and cheering on the streets. During the World Cup event at the last two months of 2022 employees in the public sector are going to work between 07.00 and 11.00 while it is already believed that 80 percent of them are doing their job remotely - from home. One hour longer would work public and private schools from 01 as far as 17 November, but children will be the most happiest here, because of the grown up games, their holiday would be extended until 22 December.


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