20 June 2018

Different fates for two awards

Players who are the best on the pitch undoubtedly deserve various awards, but some will have to turn down the prize even if the footballer is already chosen...
We begin with the sad moment first. Mohamed el-Shenawy was voted the best player for his wonderful saves against Uruguay last Friday. Unfortunately, the player did not receive the award which was given by 'Budweiser'. We all know that this sponsor is producing beer, and also we are aware that Islam forbids the use of alcohol. Thus, from the Egyptian team came the conformation that their goalkeeper is refusing to receive this prize due to his religious beliefs. The 29-year-old have been photographed, but walked without the trophy from the sponsor.
And, from sad we are switching to happy news. After the projectile from 25 metres last Sunday versus Costa Rica, Aleksandar Kolarov has won a vehicle. 'After consultation with the supporters in Samara, we decided to reward the player who scores the first goal in our stadium in Samara', said the Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov. So, the Serbian captain is now rich with one car: Lada 4x4 (Lada Niva) as a present for the beautiful goal.


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